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HEC Paris

巴黎 HEC 商学院是欧洲最古老的商学院之一。巴黎 HEC 商学院由巴黎工商会于 1881 年创立,在管理科学研究和教育领域处于领先地位。我们提供专为精心挑选的学生群体设计的独特课程组合。

巴黎 HEC 商学院为未来领导者提供一系列完整而独特的教育课程:硕士课程、暑期学校、MBA、博士、高级工商管理硕士、TRIUM 全球高级工商管理硕士、开放招生和定制高管教育课程。巴黎 HEC 商学院拥有 108 名研究教授、4,500 名学生,每年培训 8,000 名经理和高管。

巴黎 HEC 商学院位于巴黎郊外 17 公里外的 Jouy-en-Josas 镇,占地 340 英亩,周围有森林、湖泊和城堡。巴黎 HEC 商学院拥有欧洲最国际化、规模最大、最环保的校园之一,来自 135 个国家的学生就读于该校。校园设备齐全,是学习和个人发展的理想环境。校园拥有最先进的教室、露天剧场、研究中心和设备齐全的图书馆。学生可以享受舒适的校内住宿和广泛的体育设施,包括健身房、网球场和足球场,以及风景秀丽的森林,鼓励学生积极平衡的生活方式。

HEC Paris坐落在占地 340 英亩的林木茂密的校园内,位于巴黎西南 10 英里(17 公里),从这里可以轻松体验法国首都的文化、历史和魅力。我们位于巴黎-萨克雷创新集群的战略位置,使我们的学生能够利用集群的专业知识并与科学家合作将他们的技术发明推向市场。


Living on Campus

我们的许多 MBA 学生选择住在校园内的宿舍。我们提供单人间和少量专为夫妻和家庭预留的公寓。为了充分利用校内住宿选择,我们建议您在被录取后尽快申请。

我们位于风景如画的 Jouy-en-Josas 村,可满足每个人的需求。无论您是想学习、聚会、运动还是外出,HEC 校园都能满足您的需求:自助餐厅、酒吧和咖啡厅、自习室和休息室、新建的健身房和体育馆,更不用说 8,000 平方米的运动场了。我们的图书馆提供 60,000 本管理类书籍和电子书,以及 1,500 种多种语言的期刊,帮助您随时了解最新信息。


Any candidate who has applied to the MBA Program will automatically be considered for our Excellence and Diversity scholarships by the HEC Paris MBA Scholarship Committee. To be considered for the Forte and L’Oreal scholarships, you must submit your essay at the same time as your application to the MBA program.

Scholarships are awarded in various amounts, and it is the Scholarship Committee that determines the amount of aid being awarded to each candidate. The committee takes into consideration many aspects of your application, including your essays, your background and personal work history, your GMAT score, and the results of your two interviews with HEC Paris MBA alumni.

Our scholarship deadlines run parallel to the deadlines for applying to the program. So you must submit your MBA application to be considered for any of the HEC Paris MBA’s scholarships. The last essay of your application is reserved for any additional information you would like to share with the committee for the Excellence and Diversity scholarships.

If you would like to learn more about your potential eligibility for scholarships, we invite you to contact the Marketing and Recruitment Manager for your region.

If you are a scholarship recipient, you will be informed by an Admissions Officer at the time of the final decision of your application. The scholarships will be deducted from the final instalment of the MBA tuition fee.

  • Jouy-en-Josas

    1 Rue de la Libération, 78350, Jouy-en-Josas

HEC Paris