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Valar Institute

Valar Institute

Valar Institute


Valar Institute——当今的领导力学院。

Valar Institute 提供革命性的人工智能驱动的 MBA 和高级工商管理硕士 (EMBA) 课程,专为希望加速职业发展的雄心勃勃的专业人士而设计。


2013 年,Quantic 商业与技术学院成立,旨在彻底提高在线教育的质量和可及性。近十年来,主动学习方面的创新为学生创造了一流的学习体验和巨大的职业成果。

在全球疫情期间,我们认识到需要培养一种新型领导者——具备在 21 世纪流动、分散和全球化商业环境中取得成功的技能的个人。Valar Institute 就是这一追求的成果。加入我们,引领潮流。


Valar Institute 的使命是提供最具创新性、质量最高的在线教育课程,这些课程与商业和技术领域的积极职业成果直接相关。


MBA 和 EMBA 学位由 Quantic 商学院的 Valar 学院颁发。Quantic 是经 DEAC 认证的授予学位的高等教育机构,由华盛顿特区州教育监督办公室 (OSSE) 授权。

领导力与管理 MBA


了解有关 MBA 的更多信息



了解有关 EMBA 的更多信息

与 Valar 一起领先。 如需更多 Valar 评论,请访问我们的网站


人们喜欢我们的项目Valar 采用了与 Quantic 的成功相同的创新设计和技术。

  • 61 校友净推荐值 (NPS)
  • 99% 课程认可度
  • 94% 的毕业生实现了职业目标
  • 97% 的学生会向朋友推荐我们



“在我从事教育行业的 15 年里,Quantic 提供了我所体验过的最具吸引力的学习体验......它继续具有令人难以置信的颠覆潜力。”

迈克尔·霍恩克莱顿·克里斯滕森研究所联合创始人 2023


Financial Times

Our Awards

  • Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awardee
  • EdTech Digest: 2024 EdTech Trendsetter Awards Finalist
  • Financial Times: Tech Ventures Shake Up the MBA Marketplace

Valar 战略领导力高级工商管理硕士

Valar 领导力和管理学 MBA


    Admission Decisions

    We evaluate candidates on their academic background, career accomplishments, and the thoughtfulness and candor within their application and interview. Ultimately, we are selective in admissions and seek highly motivated professionals who are eager to become more strategic, persuasive, and effective leaders. Each cohort represents students from a diverse set of backgrounds, roles, and industries.

    Admission Criteria


    The Valar MBA in Leadership and Management is designed for early career, high-potential professionals with a minimum of 2 years work experience. Prior management experience is not necessary and candidates must meet the following minimum requirements:

    • Undergraduate / Bachelor’s Degree
    • 至少 2 年行业经验
    • English Language Proficiency


    The program is tailored for mid-career professionals, generally with at least 7 years work experience and a proven record of success. It values, but does not assume, prior management experience, and has the following minimum requirements.

    • Undergraduate / Bachelor’s Degree
    • Minimum 7 Years Industry Experience
    • English Language Proficiency


    The Valar scholarship program empowers enterprising leaders around the globe with affordable access to a selective MBA or Executive MBA. You’ll have the option to request consideration for the following partial scholarships when you apply to Valar. If accepted into a program, you will be notified of any scholarship offer with your accepted student materials.

    Leadership Scholarship

    These are merit-based awards recognizing exceptional academic performance and career achievement. We motivate students from a variety of industry and geographic backgrounds, including Women in Leadership, to build the highest caliber global classes.

    Valar Impact Scholarship

    These merit awards are given to exceptional global candidates based on their commitment to social impact initiatives, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and rising leadership potential.

    Recruitment Scholarship

    This scholarship is offered to students who opt in to our career service that promotes job opportunities at our employer partners. This optional service is part of our employer tuition model that reduces fees for all students.

    Financial Aid Scholarship

    Valar is committed to broadening access to a higher education for high potential global business leaders. These need-based awards support students in financial hardship or living in a global region with economic disadvantages. Students must submit documentation and a personal statement. Award outcomes vary based on demonstrated financial need and available funds.


    为何选择在Valar Institute学习


    我们革命性的教学方法和基于同伴的学习使 Valar 为期 12 个月、以领导力为重点的 MBA 和 EMBA 课程成为最容易获得、最有效、最严格的在线商务学位。

    The Curriculum


    与全球优秀的同行进行线上和线下合作,加入由来自世界顶尖公司的 15,000 多名专业人士组成的网络。

    The Network





    由于采用了创新的学费模式,我们的课程学费非常实惠,12 个月的 MBA 或 EMBA 学位课程每月仅需 800 美元。课程通常由雇主学费补贴或奖学金部分或全部资助。

    Tuition Fees



    • 《快公司》杂志 2020 年改变世界创意奖得主
    • 教育科技文摘:2024 年教育科技潮流引领者奖入围者
    • 金融时报:科技创业公司撼动 MBA 市场


    Valar 学院是 Quantic 商学院和技术学院的一个分支,该学院由位于华盛顿特区的哥伦比亚特区高等教育许可委员会授权,并获得远程教育认证委员会 (DEAC) 的认证。DEAC 被美国教育部列为公认的认证机构,同时也获得了高等教育认证委员会 (CHEA) 的认可。


    Classmate Collaboration

    挑战并接受挑战!Valar 的选择性录取和同伴学习环境促进了热烈的讨论,并促进了案例研究和小组项目。学生获得了全球视野并与同学建立了持久的联系。

    In-Person Events


    Student Resources

    图书馆、乐于助人的图书管理员以及 Valar 教职员工将提升您的学习体验。研究顾问和付费数据库访问权限可为学生提供 Capstone 项目、课程作业和小组项目方面的支持。简历、求职信和 LinkedIn 个人资料咨询可帮助您展现出最好的一面,所有学生均可终身访问许多现有和新课程 — 是的,您没看错。掌握热门技能,保持领先地位!


    • Washington

      80 M Street SE Suite 2-196 Washington, DC 20003, US , 20003, Washington
